Event Management Suit

Mobile, Web


Execute event management activities on a corporate level


Equip event organizers with a technological suit, that helps to plan and manage corporate events no matter how large the gathering is.



Our Client is an Eastern European corporation whose main activity is to organize and manage large corporate events. In 2016, they reported a need to develop from scratch and adopt a technological solution that can make it much easier for them to plan and manage such gatherings.



The platform we’ve discovered together with the Client is a large suite of event planning tools in one software package. Targeted towards large-sized businesses, the platform comprises of a web application for multi-level administrator roles and a smartphone application that assists participants with a number of tasks.

The mobile application includes a heavy focus on marketing for organized events; namely, the app supports participants with information on schedules and speeches, assists in solving logistic issues, equips with polling sessions and offers an overall gamification experience of voting options.

The admin panel allows to moderate a number of different events simultaneously, edit separate events, set accessibility permissions for varied roles, manage sponsors’ branding, generate reports. The system also contains a database of all events’ subscribers, has a push-up notifications feature (individual and group notifications), and a messenger linking participants and event organizers (individual and group chats).

Event participants are equipped with an interactive map that shows venues, schedules and content of speeches, – the feature designed with flagging and marking options. Gamification process facilitates ratings of conference speakers (like/dislike option), allows to conduct interactive polls with the admin ability to broadcast the voting results on the screen, arranges for digital QA sessions inside the app, etc.

What’s more, event admins can now monitor attendance of their events, the feature tracking personal profiles of the participants and linking them to the QR codes of speaking sessions (check-in and check-out options). Have we mentioned the admin panel is fully customizable to be tailored for varied events? Likewise, if set by admins, for each activity within the mobile app (questions, ratings, attendance, etc.) participants can get points that act as the ground for awards, both individual and group ones.

Technology choice

  • Backend – MySQL, Symfony4.3, Sonata
  • Mobile app – Java for Android, Swift

Team and Duration

  • 2 backend engineers
  • 1 mobile engineer for iOS
  • 1 mobile engineer for Android
  • 1 frontend engineer
  • 1 project manager
  • 1 business analyst
  • 6 months for the MVP
  • 9 months for the end-to-end solution


To be efficient in today’s event planning and management industry, it’s crucial to apply high-tech solutions. CPCS engineers developed a platform from scratch for our Client active in organizing and managing corporate events for big enterprises. As a result of this product creation, a platform for admins and a mobile app for participants, our Client has grown their business approximately by 55 percent only during the first years of the solution application without the need to employ more staff. Another valuable non-tangible asset of our Client, their professional reputation, has proven to be one of the highest in the industry due to the solution application.



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